Sunday, December 6, 2009

Inspirational Reality TV

I feel as though we can easily see the negitives in Reality TV but I began to think of shows like Intervention or Biggest loser and the motivating inspirational stories showcased by Reality TV. This is a positive thing! I know from the lesson Ted had given on the MTV reality shows like 16 and pregnant and how it seems like they are saying it ok and looking sympathetic to the people in the shows but they're actually setting rights and wrongs of society and are actually saying No you don't want to be like this... (maybe this was a lesson in my other class with Ted sorry) So even though they may be mocking fat people in the biggest loser letting us all get enjoyment out of over weight people trying to exercise I'm thinking about the guy/girl overweight sitting at home watching this show. I don't feel like she see's those negitives. I think to someone in the situation these shows can be very inspriational and comforting knwoing someone else struggles with the same thing you do and then in the end seeing how they overcome their battle. Intervention is another one. This show follows drug addicts and their families trying to intervene and stop the person drug use. This show can be what makes someone sit down and realize their own problem and maybe a parent in the show can vocalize to their son or daughter better than the mom watching about how their drug use hurts them. Over all i think there is some cool things Reality TV can do. I found a blog by a former contestant on The Biggest Loser and I thought it really showed how involved and inspired people can get when I started reading the comments on her postings
Check it out

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