Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bauerlein, Its Not Your Culture Anymore!

I despise this man! He first decides that he is going to pick on the "Digital Generation" for their lack of intellegence, then he decides that the mentors are part of the cause of this problem.

Bauerlein keeps metioning culture. On page 202, he says, "...but it wont sustain the best civic and cultural traditions in American history." What Bauerlein seems to forget, is that culture changes. This isn't back in the 20th century where there was no internet, no video games, no social networks. This is the 21st century where these things are popular. Stop trying to compare us to the past. We are not in any way like the previous generations. There is more than just reading and intellegence. More than just books and studying. What happened to community. Oh, thats right, Facebook sort of does that for us. I believe that our generation has brought out something that lasts longer than intellegence: community.

After searching, I found this video talking about Parents on Facebook. Notice how the older generation is actually using Facebook. Not just a miniscule amount neither, about 45% of Facebook users are over 25. Our influence seems to be spreading to the older generation. We must be doing something right. Sure they are accepting our norms, but thats our new culture. Mentors have not allowed mediocrity in any way. Instead, they are actually connecting with their kids. Not building a wall between the two generations. So stop comparing this culture with yours, Bauerlein. We are nothing like you, and im sick of the complaining.

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