Thursday, September 3, 2009

Internet in the Air?

When I was just surfing the web trying to find something worth while to blog about I found a pretty interesting article to do a blog on. I don't know about all of you but when i'm on an airplane I always wish that I could be checking my facebook, email, and other things, but I didn't really think it was possible. Now that has all changed, airlines have introduced Wi-Fi internet services to most of there flights. But here's the catch, they are trying to decide if they should charge for it? I know I would be happy to pay a little bit of money to be able to surf the web and break up the boringness of a flight. I'm sure if Bauerlein were able to add this section to his book he would complain about it to. How instead of doing the traditional reading of a book or magazine on a flight, people in our generation would be surfing the web. Even though we would be reading I'm sure he would disagree.

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