While browsing the internet to find something interesting to write this post about, I came across an article about illegal file sharing and how "The Digital Generation" feels about it. The four founders of the popular site The Pirate Bay have been taken to court by major entertainment company's such as Sony and Warner Brothers. Their site allows free access to hundreds of thousands of free movies, games, music, and so on. If they are found guilty, each could be sued for up to $180,000. The article then goes on to claim that these "media giants" are fighting nothing but an uphill battle against today's youth. Young people today have grown up constantly sharing videos, music, and so on whether it be legally or illegally. Basically, our generation has grown up with so much digital sharing that it will be nearly impossible to stop it at this point. I believe this relates to our class because it shows that we do have passion about movies, music, and other cultured works. Being able to find the newest movie or album from a computer desk also shows how well educated young people are today about technology. I'm not saying illegal file sharing is right or wrong, it has just progressed to the point of no return.
The article can be viewed at TNI
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