After reading most of the blogs in blogger, I've noticed an increasing number of posts about twitter and I thought I might as well give it a try since I havent written an article about it yet. It's become everyone's favorite networking site that can be use via phone or the internet. Most people use it to connect with friends, or maybe who are just interested in celebrites lives, but oddly enough, people have been using Twitter in church too. After reading the article in Time magizine a couple of months ago, I thought nothing of it. It wasn't til after I started taking this class that I realized the effect that technology, especially social networking sites have had on age-old traditions. To the church, Twitter has become a network where people can relay information quickly and can tweet about the service or just how they have been impacted by God that day. It keeps people in the church connected, as one community and sparks them to take interest in each others lives. In doing this, Twitter creates unity among the church. This is not just in one church, but now many churches across the country have taken up the idea of tweeting during church. This article just proves, Twitter is no longer your average networking site, it is now being used for much more.
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