I relize this does not directly apply to the chapter we just read, but i find this law interesting. Bauerline does say how so many kids have cell phones and rely on them for more than is needed. Cell phones are todays way of talking, either by call or just a short message. This is carrying over to doing this while driving, which is unsafe and has caused several accidents and injuries. There is a new law stating that anyone under the age of 21 can NOT send, recieve, or read a text message while driving. What i dont get is what makes 21 year olds more responsible or equipt to text and drive. They have the same percent of getting in an accident than someone who is 20 or 18 texting and driving. I relize it is dangerous but why do they put a limit to 21 and not just in general? Baeulein states that we are too depenedent on technology (by multitasking or on all the ipod,tvs,or cell phones we own), and apparently this is somewhat true if it is affecting the roads to the extent of making a law to prevent this. Check the site out for more information on the law at http://www.missouriaccidentlawyerblog.com/2009/08/new_texting_ban_takes_effect.html.
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