Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Social and Leisure Time


One of Bauerlain's arguments is how social and leisure time are making our generation, the dumbest generation. He says that they are important, but that they also take our knowledge away and leads to a conclusion that has something to do with the idea that our generation will not be able to fullfill the jobs our the last generation.

The article is about how social and leisure time can affect one's health in a positive way. One of the facts was, "Low levels of leisure time physical activity are associated with low income, low education, and low socieonomic status." So is leisure time actually good or bad for one's health? Bauerlain states that social life can perhaps hurt us, while the website clearly states that not having enough leisure and social time can lead to low education.

I can see where Bauerlain is coming from, but I think he needs to make a new argument and back it up a little better. It seems like Bauerlain wants the world to be a very efficient, boring, and robot-like world. As humans we are not perfect and usually do the things our instincts tell us to. I think social and leisure time is just as important as school and reading time.

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