Thursday, September 17, 2009

I’m also writing about the banning of cell phone text messaging. I am guilty of texting and driving myself and I do think it’s dangerous. There have been many times I’ve driven rather badly because of something happening with text messaging or just being on my cell phone in general. Whether it’s face book, e-mail, texting, or just talking our phones are enormous distractions while driving. What I don’t understand about this law is why it’s coming before a law like your phone must be hands free while driving. Now I don’t like these laws but I know they are to insure our safety so I understand why they are there. I don’t see how texting while driving is more dangerous than talking on your phone in general. To use your cell phone most likely you type a number in or at least mess with a few keys to make a call. It is the same as texting a brief message. I see many people do idiotic things while driving just because they are talking on the phone holding it to their ear. I think a more general cell phone law should have been passed first rather than a specific law against only text messaging. So we can’t text message someone but we can face book, update our personal calendar, check our e-mail, or make a phone call? I’m not saying that I want a stricter cell phone law I’m just saying wow for real, a law banning text messages is so important? I found a silly video on You tube about why you shouldn’t talk on the phone and drive.

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