Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Bookless Library

If found this article titled, "Welcome to the Library. Say Goodbye to the Books." and found it very interesting because it is sort of on the cutting edge of where technology may be heading. It is a about school is Massachusetts that replaced their nearly 20,000 books with a completely digital library. The new digital library includes flat screen tvs to project data from the internet, new laptops and even a coffee shop where the reference desk was previously located. I think it's a pretty drastic change to make over the summer but it really shows where technology may be leading in terms of libraries and schools. I think there are definite pluses and negatives in this. I like the idea of adding more technology to a library because I almost always do my research on the internet through online databases and news journals but it is also nice to have books and hard copies to use and look at. Many of my teachers in my high school classes required both internet sources and actual book sources when doing papers so it could make things dificult if teachers still required that. I think it would be interesting if they did some sort of poll at the end of the year to see what both students and teachers think of the change.

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