Thursday, September 3, 2009

Disney Acquires Marvel

Well, I was cruising around on the internet and saw an article that I found interesting. It seems that Disney has recently bought Marvel for $4 billion. So, some of your may be wondering what is going to happen now that Disney owns Marvel. Are we going to see Mickey Mouse dressed up as Wolverine? I don't think we will see anything like that, at least I would hope so. This does mean that Marvel will be getting bigger budget movies.
Though Disney has bought Marvel, this does not mean that they have the rights for everything right now. Marvel has been in contracts with many different companies. For instance Fox has the rights to Fantastic Four and Paramount owns the rights to Iron Man still. So we aren't going to see an Iron Man movie coming from Disney anytime soon. We will have to wait and see what will happen between Marvel and Disney. I am a little interested in what will happen in the future for Marvel. Here is a link to and article from Disney.

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