Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Inside Your Seach
Photo shop

Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Advertisement (extra credit)

In class we talked about advertisements going to extremes to reach out to people, especially kids our age. In all the books we've read, it mentions how we just look over, or skip through ads because we have become so used to seeing them. I found this interesting and began to wonder if companies were catching on to this, and how they were responding. The image above provides an answer to both of these questions. It showed that companies are getting our feedback even though we are not directly telling them how we feel. Also, it showed to me just how far these companies are willing to go to reach out to us. They will create 3D billboard designs to become different and get away from traditional ads. But is it working?
Political Photoshop (extra credit)

As we had talked about in class, photoshop can be very useful, especially in the world of politics. Politician and their supporters can use photoshop to create any image they want. They can make it a positive or negative message. The funny thing I discovered was when i typed in the word politics to google images. the picture above is what i discovered. I found this interesting because it not only covered what we talked about in class, but it combined the two just to show how it can be used.
Regrets Every Time
Monday, December 7, 2009
Politics and photoshop

Wal-Mart Culture Jam


One thing I think a lot of us think about when we read these books in class about today's world and how it is so digitally involved is that we only look at the smaller picture of the places around us, just the states in the U.S. What we don't see is that we aren't even compared to some other countries. China, with its surging economy, right now is on a building boom of buildings that you can't imagine. They will soon be home to the world's largest airport, and the first fully sustainable city. The buildings are amazing. It just comes to show us that we are not the only one's that have this "creative" side. America isn't the only generation with this digital life, China surpasses us. Here is the website so you can look at some of the wonders the Chinese have in their cities.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Inspirational Reality TV
Check it out
Do people really think Reality TV is real?

I decided to jump back to the talk about Reality TV. I have two roommates who both well and myself love to watch shows on MTV like Tool Academy, Real Chance on Love, Tough Love, and DR. Drew Rehab. When I say things like ha-ha come on looking for love it's all staged my roommates get really offended. They're like no it's not, Real and Chance both really like her and oh my I wonder who he's going to send home. I'm just like are you serious you think people act like this in real life? Then I wonder wow is Reality TV really shaping our views on social groups. Then I think maybe Reality TV is just playing up the views and feelings we already have on social groups. Take Tool Academy, if you haven't seen it girlfriends bring their boyfriends to the academy to fix whatever about them makes them a tool and turns them into a gentleman. I'm like wow this is why we think all guys are the same, shows like this that showcase men cheating and lying but I realize that before these shows women talking to other women often say all men are liars and cheats (sorry guys but we do say it). This makes me think is reality TV just playing on our own stereotypes because people love to be right so when you can be like look see I knew he cheated on her does it becomes rewarding for us to watch? Also watching other people’s lives and issues makes us feel better about our own? I don't know the genre of MTV Reality just makes me wonder!
I found some statistics about who is watching Reality TV
Culture Jamming

Culture Jamming is like photoshop as being another means of getting our voice and opinions heard. I like to think of culture jams as our backlash to the advertising and media industry thinking that they control our every move. It shows them your advertisement says this but this is what we really see when we think about your company or your idea. I love it! These are some cool ones I found

Photoshop is awesome
I found a random guys blog with a post called Sex Lies and Photoshop what are we doing to the young generation. It doesn't go with my views in my post but he focuses on how the media alters a woman's body in magazines and he shows some cool before and after photos of models, I thought it was neat the changes are crazy!
Parents being over protective?
I found a cool article by someone who decides to point out how parents and teachers can use The Harry Potter books as an advantage to the children's desire to learn. I thought she had some great points
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Culture Jam


In Chapter 6, Jenkins talks about the importance of tools originating with the study of media and popular culture. One of the tools he points on is photoshopping images. This has became a major way of voicing view points in the United States. People are taking original photographs and with photoshop, publishing them with a different meaning. They are used for campaigns such as the presidency, world wide issues, even towards marketing wal-mart. An example of this popular new voice would be the I Want YOU slogans with Abraham Lincoln on the front. They are orginally used to help the war effort, concentrating on bringing in more people to the military. Now there are slogans that pertain to advertising, Windows 7, even Obama.
What about our rights! Harry Potter!
We Hate Bush!

Controversial Books

In chapter 5 Jenkins talks about how many parents think Harry Potter is a very controversial book for children to read. So this got me thinking about what other books have been controversial in the past. I found this website that has picked out what they believe are the 1o most controversial books in the last 100 or so years. When I looked at this list I noticed that wow, I have had to read 3 or 4 of these books in some of my high school English classes. Harry Potter was even read to me during my elementary days. So after realizing this I think when parents go crazy about kids reading Harry Potter they are completely overreacting. I think most kids understand that they are not going to be able to perform spells and such, but they really just enjoy reading the Harry Potter series.
Harry Potter Controversy

In chapter 5 of Convergence Culture, Jenkins begins by stating that corporate media increasingly recognizes the value and threat posed by fan participation and uses Harry Potter as an example. I agree that fans are participating in shows a lot more now than they used to because of the internet. Many people go to their favorite show's website, purchase items associated with the show, and even visit spoiler websites, like Jenkins discussed in chapter 1. When he talked about all of the controversies associated with Harry Potter, I really hadn't heard about most of them. I went to a Catholic grade school and we read the first two books and none of our parents complained about it and I didn't hear of any controversies with us reading them. However, I went to google and looked up some information about the controversies and was surprised at how serious parents and teachers become when their kids are reading the books. Here is a link to just one of the websites I found. I find it interesting because controversy is usually a bad thing but at the same time can give a book a lot of publicity and make it even more popular.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Harry Potter

In chapter 5, Jenkins talks about the "potter" wars, and everything with the Harry Potter books. I have never actually heard about this until i started reading this chapter, and i was shocked on how parents may think that this fictional book is a bad influence on their kids. I'm just wondering how you can be mad at that crew. I'm not a big big fan of harry potter and the books but I do sometimes like watching the movies. (mostly because of Hermione) But, i was surprised on all the feed backs from their parents, and all the negative comments on the books. I don't find these books a bad influence, but thats just me...
Seed vault

Norway created a Seed vault, that is located in the mountain tops of Norway. 390 ft deep into the snow, this Seed vault was created in 2008 and the very first seed was brought to it in january. I think that this is a very smart thing to do, because if for some reason, the world would lose some what of its seeds, all we have to do is go to this Seed Vault, and there will be over millions of seeds in there.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Star Wars

Funny Stuff
Reality Shows

The Daily Prophet

There are many ways to form a story. Jenkins talks about movies such as X-men, Alien, and Living Dead where the story is told by installing the world, and then building a story off of it. The Matrix is another story where the world is introduced, and then the story is built upon it. "World making follows its own market logic, at a time when filmmakers are as much in the business of creating licensed goods as they are in telling stories." This is one way for a digital storytelling to happen. Each interesting element can yeild its own product lines.
Complex technology

Monday, November 23, 2009
Exploitation and Reality Television
The other day I was searching for info about reality TV shows for a paper I'm writing for another class. I came across this article that talked about the negative effects of having a camera around children. It said that, "Nobody wants to watch normal behavior. Kids have to be co-conspirators to get the camera to stay on." And talked about the fact that people, like the family of "Balloon Boy" are often "damaged goods." It does seem that reality TV shows are often full of messed up people, desperate for attention. Even still, they get exploited. A woman who was on Wife Swap, "said that it took a year to recover from the humiliation and depression" of having footage of her family being severely edited.
Thinking about this article made me realize that when TVs first came out, most people probably never dreamed of having a camera crew in their house to film them so they could be on a TV show. It seems that a few decades ago, being on TV was probably a really big deal and the thought of a camera in one's house would be very strange.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Spoiling T.V.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Reality TV...why can't I stop watching it knowing its fake?
Heres the article....It's really short take a look
Shows getting Canceled
"One by one, an explanation of these unlucky thirteen factors, which are divided into eight categories: DOA (pre-production problems, script and cast changes), Corpse (not enough buzz and hype, postponing the return date, no lead-in), Incision (schedule changes, hiatus), Diagnosis (no additional episodes or full season orders and early renewals), Dissection (cut back on episodes orders/premature orders), Burial (pulled from schedule early in advance) and Casket, (pulled from schedule effective immediately, all leading to Flatlines (ratings)."
Above are reasons and factors that go into canceling a show. One of them emphasized points on the American Idol chapter focuses on why shows are being canceled. The book states that networks should be focused on the quality of audience engagement and less on the quantity of viewers. However this is not what keeps a show on the air, such as American Idol. The "Corpse" section that talks about the hype of the show is one of the most important things in a show. So for those whose shows are getting canceled, it is most likely because of the amount of viewers, or has something to do with money.
How much spoiling is too much?

REALity T.V.

In Chapter 1 Jenkins talks a lot about Survivor and reality television. He really talks about how how REALity television might just not be so REAL after all. He explains that these T.V. shows can be called Reality T.V. because they are actually filmed live and you are seeing people doing these absurd things, but these things are all some form of acting. It may not even be something that a producer or writer has told these people to do, it could just be the person acting in a different manner than they would in their own real life setting. So they really aren't being real at all, they are just acting. So after he got me going on my Reality T.V. trip, I started looking around for some solid Reality T.V. information. While I was surfing the web I found a pretty funny website that list the 15 worst reality T.V. shows ever made. I have watched portions of almost all of these at some point in time and it's laughable as to what these shows are trying to accomplish. I hope you all enjoy because they are pretty ridiculous!
Reality TV

In chapter one of Jenkins book, he talks a lot about reality TV, specifically the show Survivor. He talks about how although the show lacks a specific script, it still has writers. I started researching reality tv show facts and I stumbled upon a short article on a fun site, Court TV 360. This article talks a lot about the same false information that we discussed in class. It says that the general people in these shows are truly unskilled and untrained actors who got into reality tv to become famous, and to make money. It also talks about the shows editors who will take these people and turn them into enemies and characters to provide more drama on the show. The future of this type of television show is on the internet.
Nike Ad

I found a Nike ad I thought was very interesting and funny. I remember we talked about Nike ads in class and how they used famous athletes and more of an emotional approach towards advertising. The ad I found is of Roger Federer, World Champion tennis player, in his home in the dark, while a man deemed to be his Coach sneaks in and bombards him with tennis balls that he must return every time. Nike is trying to associate itself with Strength; the strength of Roger Federer's athletisicm and his ability to return whatever is thrown at him, no matter how fast. It also gives a close up of Roger's eyes so that you may see determination there, and the house they are in is expensive and upperclass. These parts of the advertisement give Nike Strength. If you would like to view it, here is the link.
Reality TV
Only a Portion

In all of Chapter 1 Jenkins talks about the "spoiling" of survivor and the how it is done and plays it out to be a serious thing that everyone is doing and how it is affecting our culture. One sentence caught my eye late in this chapter when he talks about Mark Burnett in an interview saying " Spoiling is what it is as long as it doesn't affect ratings. There may be 5000 people on the Internet but there are some 20 million viewers and they don't spend their time reading the Internet.". I agree with this statement, although this convergence is taking place, it is not very wide spread. Our community as a whole overwhelms that small community of "spoilers" and I don't believe this is a proper example. This year, Survivor has an average of 13.8 million viewers (Gorman, Bill). Obviously, this convergence of media isn't as wide spread as Jenkins talks about.
Jenkins Chapter 1
After Reading Chapter 1 of Jenkins' book, and discussing it in class, i decided to take an internet trip to my favorite website, I searched for reality tv and found a lot of interesting information of how reality TV started and how it actually works. If you get a chance you should really take a look a this article. I will sum uo what it said for you though. By definition, reality TV is essentially unscripted programming that doesn't employ actors and focuses on footage of real events or situations. "The defining aspect of reality TV is probably the manner in which it is shot. Whether the show takes place in a real setting with real people (much like a documentary), shoots in front of a live studio audience that participates in the program, or uses hidden surveillance, reality TV relies on the camera capturing everything as it happens." So, reality TV isn't necessarily real as it is live. They shoot it live unscripted, so this saves on the production costs. They rely heavily on producers and editors instead of writers and directors. So how successful was survivor and why? Well, adding the show survivor was said to be one of CBS's best moves. They captured their largest audience after adding this show. Some Shows that followed were "Big Brother," "The Mole," "The Amazing Race" and "The Bachelor." But how "real" are they? Not so much, they are technicly unscripted and aired live, but they are also heavily edited. They are also said to be rigged. "In 2001, first-season "Survivor" contestant Stacey Stillman filed a lawsuit against producer Mark Burnett and CBS, claiming that Burnett rigged the show by talking two other contestants into voting her off the island. Stillman said that Burnett wanted to keep 72-year-old contestant Rudy Boesch on the island to maintain an older viewing demographic. Also, a number of contestants on shows like "The Apprentice," "The Bachelor" and "Joe Millionaire" have claimed that their actions were taken out of context and presented in misleading ways."
Survivor Spoiling

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
As i was reading the first chapter from Jenkins, they started off by talking about survivor. Jenkins stats " Enormous fines are written into the contracts for the cast and crew members if they get caught leaking the results...". I laugh when i found this, because if y

Collective Stupidity
In chapter one of Convergence Culture, Jenkins talks a lot about collective intelligence and uses the show Survivor as a real world example of it. I think that when people put their minds together, they can come up with all sorts of new ideas that individually would have never came about. However, with most things, there is also a downside. While surfing the internet about collective intelligence, I found several websites that talked about an idea called collective stupidity. It’s the idea that as a group, people can come up with some very dumb ideas and do dumb things. In an article about Collective Stupidity, author Sean Gorman cites a 45 minute traffic jam due to people slowing down to gawk at someone pulled over and rumors that are quickly spread by crowds as examples of the negative side of collective intelligence. He says that sometimes, as a group, we can easily only focus on what is right in front of us, losing sight of the bigger picture. I think a lot of what he says in his article is true but I think that collective intelligence is a lot more common in everyday life than collective stupidity is. A lot of seemingly simple things actually require the work of many people and without everyone working together, these things would not get done.
Monday, November 16, 2009
MediaCom cheif executive Jon Mandel says, "We know when people are watching a show they care about, they tend to watch commercials more." Mandel was referring to American Idol, but the quote can be proven with any popular television show or event.
I decided to help Mandel prove this by looking up one of the most popular events on television, The Super Bowl. The second link shows that the average 30 second commercial costs about 350,000 to air. If Mandel's theory was right then would the Super Bowl commericals cost more?
The answer is yes. The average 30 second Superbowl commerical aired in 2007 cost about 2.6 million! The costs would have only grown higher in the last couple years. The reason the commercials costs so much is because of how popular the event is. If more people like a show, more poeple will watch it, and therefore watch the commercials. I don't know if this directly proves Mandel's argument, but it certainly helps it out.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ambush advertising

Week 12
Is the Internet Hitting A Mid Life Crisis?

I was surfing the web and found this awesome article that relates to what Ted was talking about last class. It talks about net neutrality and many other important topics of media convergence. If you have time you should definently read this article. It talks about other countries controlling the internet and how the social networks were the "Buying a red corvette" mid life crisis situation.
Do you think the internet should be corporately and government controlled or do you think it should be a completely open network like it was intended?
Check this out>
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Media Convergence affecting the Movie World

With this whole introduction being based on the convergence of media, I searched the internet in hopes of finding an interesting take on the converging media world. I went to and found a great article on how the movie world is now even being affected by the convergence of media.
Home phone VS. Cell phone
Skype. The New Age in Communication

Is converging media good or bad?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Media Convergence
Media Convergence

When I read the introduction, I was immediately captured by the word media convergence. It made me think what does this mean in todays world? Well, after doing some site searching, I found this site called, The Economist. It is a website for the magazine that talks about what they do in terms of media convergence. On their site, it describes what they do as leading the debate in the pursuit of knowledge, in this case media. Their plan of attack is to go to events, and host blogs where people talk about their ideas for new technology and what they want. They then take this information, take it into consideration, and start debate on whether or not it is a good idea. Most importantly they immediately tell you that they have a forward look on the advancement of technology.
Convergence of Cell Phones

As I read the introduction to Convergence Culture, I noticed a lot about the talk on the convergence of cell phones. They have arose to become something more than anyone expected when they were first developed. They are now used for the internet, sending picture and music messages, and playing games. As Jenkins states, "When people take media into their own hands, the results can be wonderfully creative;they can also be bad news for for all involved (17)". The change in the cell phone has made for some great changes, but it has also resulted into bad things. Bad things, such as this book mentions, like picture messages get sent to a large crowd of topless cheerleaders. I searched the web for articles on cell phone convergence and found this particular one website. It is an older article that covers how cell phones are changing. Since it is an older one it covers how cell phones are becoming the mp3 players, cameras, and video downloader we have never seen before. It was something new for us back then. Media is still changing to more advanced technology than they previously were. We are still experiencing the development of new advances in cell phones such as the iphone applications, as we are with other media also.
Cell phones changing

graphic design....extra credit
Cartoon Network's Terrorist Plot
Cell Phone Technology
This youtube video shows the evolution of the cell phone. I remember back when my parents and all their friends had Nokia phones that were like little bricks, and had black and white screens. I loved taking them to play Snake. Now we all have phones that have colored screens and can take pictures, get on the internet, play music, record sound, and a lot more. This site shows some concepts for phones of the future. Some are foldable, and even detachable. Some articles I found said that phones of the future may be able to test air quality and blood sugar. It’s fun to think about what cell phones will be like when we grow up.
Net Geners = democrats?
Net Geners are more likely to be democrats?
Tapscott says, "Net Geners are less conservative than Generation X'ers were." According to a 2008 poll, 57 percent of Net Geners were leaning democrat.
The articles above is about how democrats are going to rule the Whitehouse for the next 40 years. Obviously, this is when the Net Generation will be most interested in polotics and voting. It makes me wonder what the future has in store with a democratic government in control over the next 40 years. Will the net generation be able to climb out of this recession and get back to a strong econonmy?
The Extinction or "shift" of CD players
Jenkins stated in his introduction “old media are not being displaced. Rather, their functions and status are shifted by the introduction of new technologies.” but in this article the author states that the CD player is in danger of extinction within years. The new invention of the iPods is taking over the need of buying CD’s and using CD players. IPods come in all shapes and sizes depending on how much memory one needs for their music. A mother who may just use an iPod for exercising can buy a cheaper one than her son or daughter who may use it for exercising, homework, the ride home on the bus. Apple has made iPods acceptable for all ages. Such a big success with iPods is really bringing CD players not only to a shift but also to extinction. So Jenkins is correct in that CD players were put to the side for awhile, but soon no one will be using them they will be extinct.
“While reading the introduction of Jenkin’s book I didn’t understand his point about another country steeling an American designed picture photo shopped with Bert from Sesame Street and Osama Bin Laden and how they used an American designed picture on an anti-American signs and posters.”

Monday, November 9, 2009
iPhone Apps Changing Music