In Chapter 1 Jenkins talks a lot about Survivor and reality television. He really talks about how how REALity television might just not be so REAL after all. He explains that these T.V. shows can be called Reality T.V. because they are actually filmed live and you are seeing people doing these absurd things, but these things are all some form of acting. It may not even be something that a producer or writer has told these people to do, it could just be the person acting in a different manner than they would in their own real life setting. So they really aren't being real at all, they are just acting. So after he got me going on my Reality T.V. trip, I started looking around for some solid Reality T.V. information. While I was surfing the web I found a pretty funny website that list the 15 worst reality T.V. shows ever made. I have watched portions of almost all of these at some point in time and it's laughable as to what these shows are trying to accomplish. I hope you all enjoy because they are pretty ridiculous!
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