Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reality TV...why can't I stop watching it knowing its fake?

I found an article/dialogue with Henry Jenkins and others talking about reality TV and this culture convergence. One thing I found interesting is someone in the article who said that reality TV is "TIVO PROOF" because of the hype created around it. Even though you can see the same episode later if you don't see it when it first airs everyone you know is already going to be talking about it tomorrow. People become greatly involved in reality TV programs. We relate so well to particular character and characteristics of the contestants that we must know what happens to them next. They talk of how Survivor was so popular because everyone can relate to them feeling of being lost or abandoned such as "voted" off the Island. This made me think about reality shows I watch and the first episodes of the season. That first episode always goes over the contestants thoroughly. They tell you where they're from and about their background. Within that episode you find someone you love to watch and someone you can't stand which makes you already care about what will happen in the show. Another thing I keep thinking about is how even when I miss the episode and a friend tells me who goes home or what happens I still can't wait to watch it myself. I wonder why that is. Ghen Maynard of CBS says, "Reality TV takes ordinary people and puts them in extraordinary situations." One episode of a Reality Television show is jam packed with drama and arguing showing us that the point of the show isn't really so and so finding "love" or finding out whose the "biggest loser" but rather the stories going on between episodes. This idea makes these shows no different from sitcoms but putting the word "Reality" in front of it made it new and exciting and even more edgy because people are "really" doing these things on their own.
Heres the article....It's really short take a look

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