Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is converging media good or bad?

When I heard the idea of converging media I instantly thought about what our convergence culture seems to do a lot of. I started to think of all the movies I seen before they were even in theaters or all the albums I've listened to before they were even released. We learn the plots of shows before the episode even airs. We seem to get sneak peeks into everything before we are even supposed to. This has a great deal to do with the convergence of media. It is very easy to leak things onto the internet and when everything becomes so interrelated there is no limit to the things that are at our finger tips. With the use of social networking we can even blog or face book our views and opinions on a show, product, and idea and instantly let others know what’s so good or bad about something. We can either prevent something from reaching the potential the media hoped or it can be to their advantage helping spark the interest of others. We are a demanding generation so it makes sense for media to be moving in the fashion it is but I think the media itself when it comes to making money are going to be hurting. They are losing control of our attention and time because everything is becoming more convenient by being so connected. I found an article talking about what will be happening in the future with converging media and the pros and cons to consumers and corporations. The Future of Media

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