Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cell Phone Technology

In his introduction to Convergence Culture, Jenkins says that, “convergence represents a cultural shift as consumers are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among dispersed media content.” He talks about the way cell phones have emerged from simple devices for calling people, to being able to do everything from play games to write and send e-mails. He compared modern cell phones to Swiss army knives; one device that has many uses.
This youtube video shows the evolution of the cell phone. I remember back when my parents and all their friends had Nokia phones that were like little bricks, and had black and white screens. I loved taking them to play Snake. Now we all have phones that have colored screens and can take pictures, get on the internet, play music, record sound, and a lot more. This site shows some concepts for phones of the future. Some are foldable, and even detachable. Some articles I found said that phones of the future may be able to test air quality and blood sugar. It’s fun to think about what cell phones will be like when we grow up.

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