Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Home phone VS. Cell phone

Before cell phones emerged in this world, the home phone was the primary means of communication. Today cell phones are such a high priority in peoples lives that most don't even use their house phone anymore. Some have even gotten rid of their house phone and stuck to their cell phones. I myself use my cell phone more than my house phone because it is much easier to access. I also like to use it so that I don't have to worry about others listening in on my phone calls. My step dad is possibly the only person in the house that really uses the house phone and that is really only for work. Otherwise most of the time we are all using either our cell phones or we are not even talking at all. I believe that as we move further into the future that home phones will just become completely obsolete. The cell phone is much more fun to use than an ordinary house phone plus why would you want to pay for 2 phone bills instead of just one?

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