Chapter 1 shows the effect spoiling has on a television show. But spoilers appear in more than television. Video games and movies are also spoiled by searching hackers. Some hackers give the minimum amout of information, but others give a full detail "spoil" on the plot and features in the game. So how far is too far? Page 54 expains this theory perfectly. "Knowing the final four before getting to know the contestants was like someone sneaking into their house and unrapping their Christmas presents before they had a chance to shake and rattle them to figure out what was inside. Spoilers can take all the fun out of critically acclaimed books or movies if one comes across them on the internet. Spoiler TV is a great example of a spoiler site that just takes all the fun out of those "Christmas presents." A reader can get full information about the new TV shows and movies that others have just been dying to see. Even our daily news papers have begun to spoil movies for us. General information just isn't enough for the viewer anymore. We want the facts and all the information we can get on something. Its become like a disease that has spread through the world because of our easy access to the internet. So maybe we are spoiling "too much" but that is just part of the time.
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