Jenkins stated in his introduction “old media are not being displaced. Rather, their functions and status are shifted by the introduction of new technologies.” but in this article the author states that the CD player is in danger of extinction within years. The new invention of the iPods is taking over the need of buying CD’s and using CD players. IPods come in all shapes and sizes depending on how much memory one needs for their music. A mother who may just use an iPod for exercising can buy a cheaper one than her son or daughter who may use it for exercising, homework, the ride home on the bus. Apple has made iPods acceptable for all ages. Such a big success with iPods is really bringing CD players not only to a shift but also to extinction. So Jenkins is correct in that CD players were put to the side for awhile, but soon no one will be using them they will be extinct.
“While reading the introduction of Jenkin’s book I didn’t understand his point about another country steeling an American designed picture photo shopped with Bert from Sesame Street and Osama Bin Laden and how they used an American designed picture on an anti-American signs and posters.”

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