Thursday, November 19, 2009

I think it's safe to say that Survivor and American Idol are two major reasons why we have so many craptacular reality TV shows today. Media corporations need to realize that enough is enough and come up with new ideas for shows. Reality TV was new, but now it's effect is wearing off quickly, so now TV networks are competing for viewers by using shock value. TV networks are trying to sustain this shock value by making "reality" shows of families. Some examples of these would include Little People, Big World, 18 Kids and Counting, and Jon and Kate Plus Eight. All of these shows are taking advantage of a family's situation and sticking it in front of a camera for the world to see. In 18 Kids and Counting, they are trying to appeal to an audience that probably cannot relate to the show. In Little People, Big World, the family has had to deal with overzealous fans trying to invade their privacy in addition to having cameras follow them constantly. In Jon and Kate Plus Eight, the family was torn apart because of the show and it was recently named to Kate Plus Eight. Jon has since filed a cease and desist order against TLC to try and come to terms with his ex-wife.

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