Friday, November 20, 2009

Spoiling T.V.

When it comes to big hit t.v. shows that are a weekly thing, some people will get impatient and set out to find out the result. Examples like Survivor, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila, or The ever popular Ultimate Fighter, are shows that air once a week and the results are already over but the results are probably one of the best protected secrets in the world. Those that become impatient and find the result early and ruin the end are asses. They are the ones that can make t.v. shows go down the drain because if the results come out before it shows then nobody will want to watch and if nobody watches then T.V. will simply run out of funding to air shows and then television will not exist. I wonder why people would want to ruin a show. Why would you not want to wait and hold onto the suspense and be surprised?

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