Friday, October 16, 2009

Center for Democracy

Seeing as how we are supposed to do this post on how digital media can have potential for progressive forces, I did a little digging to see if I could find a site that accomplished this. I came across the Center for Democracy and Technology, a web site that does exactly what it's name says. They are first interested in keeping the internet user controlled and not centrally controlled. They also fight to keep rights such freedom of expression and privacy on the web. Lastly, the try to stop government surveillance on the net and are funding a project to give every American access to the Internet. Overall, the CDT enforces democratic policies on the internet, hoping that it will never biased. They do this because they realize the net is a great way to enhance citizen participation in the democratic process. In simple terms, they keep the internet free so we are not reading about only what the government wants us to hear. Pretty cool if you ask me.

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