Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Digital Stories

After reading and looking into these digital stories I found them to become quite interesting. A lot of them that I looked into were outlooks of that persons life. They had something that was hard to tell or emotional and by sharing it through a digital story we got the impact and point of what they were trying to say. I found some done by younger children that was just about their room or life in general and how they thought of it. These can be very personal stories or a general story that you would like to share. Digital stories can be used to express something not easily spoken to others or too emotional to say. I came across one digital story at this particular website that was given in our assignment pages that related sofas to his life. I found this rather interesting. I never looked at relating ones life to something as general as a sofa, but he does and he does a good job at it. There were many other stories on this site that I looked into and also found interesting. Most digital stories are personal and relavent to their own life, which is what we are going to be doing here soon.

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