Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Facebook leads to kindey transplant

Bauerlein often criticizes social networking sites and simply groups them all as bad. He never really mentions anything positive about them, making his arguement very biased. However, KMOV recently did a segment on the news about my "uncle" who received a kidney transplant and how facebook saved his life in a way. His daughter was always on Facebook and often wrote about how her father badly needed a transplant. None of his family was a match snd a lady from their church, who also used Facebook, saw this and decided to see if she was a match. She was and the surgery was performed a few weeks later. He is now doing MUCH better and without Facebook, who knows how long it could have taken to find a match. Things like this go to show that social networking sites can be about more than just fun and entertainment. Because they reach out to a very broad group, you can reach hundreds of people from one simple post or status update.
Here is the link to the video: KMOV Video

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