Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Net Generation

Finally we are done with Bauerlein! In contrary to Bauerlein, Tapscott believes that technology is a great thing for our generation and the we should embrace it. He also states that it is amazing that our generation can use all sorts of technology so fluently. Obviously, because we have grown up with it - but it is true that we are FAR ahead of our parents when it comes to using a computer. Interestingly enough I found an article in Business Week that is actually written by Don Tapscott. It sums up his views about our generation and also how he thinks of technology. He states that the internet of today not only allows us to access more information, but it allows us to contribute more information. This, in turn, allowed the Net Generation to become very involved in the Obama campaign and other current political matters. I found this funny because Bauerlein says that technology is doing the exact opposite for our generation - making us very uninvolved in politics. Overall, I believe Tapscott has a much more valid argument and that it will be much easier to read.

The article can be viewed here.

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