Monday, October 12, 2009

A Story to Tell

I looked into digital stories more after I began working on the project in hope to learn more on how I can improve my own digital story. There are several different ways that people go about making their own digital story. Some have many pictures, some have few, some use real pictues while others use symbolic pictures. Every one has a story to tell and find different way to go about telling their meaningful story. I find the ones that use symbolic pictures to have a stonger and more powerful meaning. The music also plays a role on how powerful the story comes across. I am trying to imply the new thoughts and ideas to my own story as I learn them, even though they can not all be applied. By simply going to this link of YouTube you can see and watch several different digital stories, all using different ways to make their story their own.

Digital media can have potential for progressive forces. The different digital stories and other videos made through digital media can have impact on different aspects such as peace and equality. Just like sites such as that have clip about our world can change these aspects. By watching these clips we can see how the population is divided among the world, see if equality met, etc. By watching these videos, one can relize the differences and try to impact that aspect.

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