It's a valid question with the fear of identity hackers who could possibly steal the one thing you don't want stolen. Facebook isn't exactly the safest site on the web. Like Tapscott said in chapter 3, Facebook contains your name, number, work history, schools etc. The sad part is, teens don't really take the time to think about what they put up on the web. Most don't know that information put on the internet stays on the internet and anyone has access to it, whether it's through Facebook or other sites. Advertising companies can look at your "home page" and match advertisments to your interests written on the page. And if you're not careful information can fall into the wrong hands. Teachers and businesses can look at the pictures and things written on your wall, stickers posted and notes, and make a decision that may keep you out of school or a job. Although Facebook has a privacy feature, is that enough?
Watch this and then you make the call
Watch this and then you make the call
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