Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 3: Freedom Pg 77

I have found myself wanting to read this book more and more because of the many things that i find true. I have found a few things i disagree with but for the most part Tapscott is much more accurate than Bauerlain. On page 77 he states "Typical Net Gen shoppers know what they are going to buy before they leave the house." I liked this statement because it relates to me. I always do research online before i go and actually buy omething. Or sometimes I even just stay online and buy from sites such as or This makes your shopping expierence much easier. I watch how older generations, such as my parents and grandparents, research before they buy and it is much different. My grandma just goes to the store and if they dont have what shes looking for she just keep "store hopping." My parents on the other hand have gotten a little more effective in that they call the stores before they go to buy something. But we are even more advanced and effecient!

Check out consumer guides before you buy!

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