Wednesday, October 21, 2009

RE: Technology is normal to us

Adriana kind of stole my idea with her post but I thought I could still talk about the same thing because I agree with most of what she said but not all. I agree that we have grown up in a world where technology is so natural to us we forget about how cool it really is. Our parents and older generations are amazed by the technology because they didn't always have it. We take our technology for granted becuase we have had it our entire lives. Most teenagers today couldn't go more than a day without logging onto the Internet and getting on a social networking site. Also, Adriana's comment:"If anything the technology is making us more in our own world and better able to tune our families out of our life." I think this is true in some cases but not all. My family is fascinated by the technology that we have attained and we use it to the fullest. My parents, aunts, and even my grandparents have laptops and Facebook! So in some cases technology can bring us closer together.

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