Monday, October 26, 2009

Online Dating= Facebook

Tapscott gives us an example of dangers with facebook. He let us know that if you add only one application to your facebook, that application can see your profile and can give out any information it wishes to. People post pictures of their friends and themselves maybe on vacations or at parties(holding alcohol that was captured in the picture), post how old they are, what school they go to, who are there siblings and if they are in a relationship, single or married. These type things are the same type of posts you put in an online dating. Though, in online dating your profile page may be more in depth of what you like, what you want in a man/women. So a stranger who saw your dating page could act like he knew you just by reading your dating page and maybe try to get you alone or get inside your house just by acting friendly, or by acting like how you posted on your profile about what kind of guy you want. Just like how Tapscott said, there are dangers when putting your personal information online. You select that only your friends can see it but really anyone can hack in and get that information.

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