Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Facebook Viruses

Social networks bring friends closer together. There is no need to have to call someone or text them to see what they are up to, just read their status. There is no time for me to talk to my best friend anymore, so now whenever we have time we post a message on each other’s walls whenever it is convenient to us. I also take a look at the pictures she posts to see how much fun she is having in college. Once again people only see the positives of these networks and either doesn’t see the negatives or the just try to ignore them.
Tapscott mentions some negatives: sharing too much information, in appropriate pictures can lead to loss in jobs. Another danger that Tapscott does not mention about social network users are the viruses that you can catch. How easy it is to catch a virus and not know where it came from. People say “I was just trying to load a video off of facebook” and all of the sudden they have a virus that does not go away. Viruses are being linked to social networking cites in many different ways. We all have facebook and are using it at least once in our daily routines. This link shows what to look out for while using facebook, what signs are a clue that it may be a virus.


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