Our generation does not look at privacy to be much of improtance anymore. We just worry about catching the attention of others with our great photos or handing out our information to friends, but we don't look into or consider the negatives of revealing all this private information. As Tapscott says "... And I think what privacy is coming to mean today--....--is less about kind of totally public versus totally hidden, and more about giving people the ability to control what information they're sharing with whom. (69)" Our generation does not think of privacy like it used to be thought of. It is more about the thought that we can hide certain information from some people but let others view it, which is not always true. As Tapscott also mentioned, revealing information on these social networking sites can cause great damage, such as losing a job. He mentions a cop and a teacher, and as I searched the web I can across this story of how this cop lost his job due to graphic photos revealing his sexuality. You can read the article here http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/beds/bucks/herts/7265775.stm. The information we think is kept private between just our friends is not true. More people can view these than we think. Our private information is databased daily when we buy something with a credit card or search the web or from our cars converstations with the databases via satelite. Privacy has become a new meaning to our generation compared to times past.
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