Tuesday, November 3, 2009


In chapter 7 of Tapscott's Grown Up Digital, he discusses advertising and how the Net Generation uses the 8 norms to look into a product before buying. I can agree with some of these but others I do not. We do not look into the product as much as he claims we do. Many of us do not consider where our clothes were made before we purchase them or where the food came from. Tapscott makes our generation seem like we look into these products and care more about them then we really do. We do like to customize or have the freedom of choice with shopping or purchasing, some of the ideas I agree with him on. With all the new technology we can look past and ignore all these advertisings. We simply ignore them with TiVo or using commercial time for other stuff or skipping over the ads. There are issues that arise with this about how advertising can get across to our generation and others. As I was searching the web I came across this article that states the issues and concerns of the new advertising methods being used. http://www.globalissues.org/article/160/media-and-advertising

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