Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nothing New

The other day I had my iTunes on shuffle, and a with lyrics that caught my attention. The song says, "We're all getting tired of the media, cause creating something new is just recycling." It made me think about our seminar class, and the way that digital technology is constantly shoved in our face. It really is exhausting to have so much media thrown at us all the time. This is especially true when it all seems the same. Advertisers use different techniques, but there is only so much to do before it becomes repetitive. TV shows can be different, but it is rare for them to vary too much from one another. MP3 players, laptops, cell phones, and video games are everywhere.
While new things are being created every day, it often seems that it is all more of the same thing. I found this blog that quotes the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes on what it has to say about the matter: "There is nothing new under the sun." The author of the blog talks about how this applies to the internet, in that yes, technology is innovative, and we continually make progress, but "we are not doing anything new at the core." All we do is simply refine methods of communication.

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