Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kids Influence

In chapter 7 tapscott discusses how the net generation has started to have massive persuasive decision making in how their parents are making purchase. He points out that net geners 21 and under have influenced 81% of the families apparel purchases and those between 5 and 14 have influenced 78% of grocery purchases. I myself can agree that we are starting to have more influence what our parents buy. For yeas I tried to convince my step dad that getting an Xbox 360 would be so much better than a playstation and eventually i brought my xbox 1 from my dads to show how much more fun I was having. Eventually i guess i got through to him because he ended up getting me one. Now as of today even little kids have some influence in what parents buy even though it is small today, who's to say that in the future they will have maybe some influence on maybe buying a car?

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