In the beginning of Chapter 7, Tapscott talks about Brian Fetherstonhaugh and how he wanted to see what his daughters media habits were. He found out that his daughter didn't ever read the newspapers. So what are the statistics about newspapers? Are readings increasing or decreasing? I would have assumed that readership was decreasing due to all of the other news sources that have erupted from the Net Gen. I looked up some information and on Journalism.org it states that the circulation of newspapers in 2007 was down 8.4% less circulation daily and 11.4% less Sunday than in 2001, but readership was actually higher than circulation by 2.1 times daily and 2.5 Sunday. By 2009, Journalism.org shows that circulation is steadily decreasing even more. A survey found that those who read a newspaper yesterday was 34%, compared to 40% two years earlier, and that the people who read newspapers online jumped from 23% to 29%. This is a scary thought to newspaper companies around the world.
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